
Parallels technical support phone number
Parallels technical support phone number

Always double check the specifications for any activities you choose to perform and submit. **Please note that some activities may include specifications for a different period of time.

#Parallels technical support phone number full#

*If you do not utilize the Falls measures, we recommend reviewing the full list of Improvement activities here.Implementation of practices/processes for developing regular individual care plans.Implementation of fall screening and assessment programs*.Hint: TheraOffice PE Surveys can help here!.Collection and follow-up on patient experience and satisfaction data on beneficiary engagement.Promote use of patient-reported outcome tools.Here are some popular activities you may want to consider:.You should choose activities that best fit your clinic and are able to be completed for a 90-day period** this year.QPP has 118 improvement activities, which can be viewed here.What improvement activities can I submit? 1 High-Weighted Activities & 2 Medium Weighted Activities OR.All other practices are required to submit:.Practices with a Special Designation are required to submit:.The improvement activity requirements can change if your clinic is granted a special designation.

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How many improvement activities do I need to submit? Various activities that can be performed by clinics with the hope of making improvements to their processes through ways such as ongoing care, patient and clinician shared decision making, safety practices, and expanding access.These activities are really important not only for the health of your clinic, but also because they make up 15% of your final score. As part of MIPS participation, 2022 MIPS improvement activities need to be performed for 90 continuous days during the 2022 reporting year.

Parallels technical support phone number